Yesterday we bought a new air conditioner and it's a Hitachi Ace Reidan 1.5 Ton Split AC. We bought this model because it's a hot & cold air conditioner and we already have a Hitachi Ace Cutout which performs well.
Buying another AC from the same company has its advantages, the remote of Ace Reidan also works with Ace cutout. That's a nice thing. And If a service guy come to check one AC, he can check the other AC as well, saves a trip for the service guy.
There is not much difference between the price of these two air conditioners and not much difference in features as well. Hitachi Ace Reidan is a hot and cold air conditioner and will work in winters while Ace cutout takes a sleep in winter. The difference is Ace reidan reverses the cycle and provide hot air when switched to hot mode.
The difference in favor of ace cutout is that it has a energy star rating of 5 while Ace Reidan is still unrated probably because it's a new model.
But It seems like there is not much difference between the two ACs.
Ace Reidan with stabilizer, installation and a bit of electricity fitting, cost us around 48,500/- INR. Ace cutout costs a few thousand less.
Winter is coming!